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JEE Technology and Dassault Systèmes Engage in a Long-Term Strategic Partnership
Release time:2020-11-24 read:3479次 share

On November 24, 2020, JEE Technology and Dassault Systèmes signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Hefei, in which the two parties aim to cooperate in the frontier areas of intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation of manufacturing, smart factory and information services.


Dr. Juguang Lin, CEO of JEE Technology, said, "JEE Technology has been established for 15 years, and JEE is committed to becoming a more comprehensive and in-depth professional R&D and manufacturing company in the field of intelligent equipment. Through this strategic cooperation, both parties will combine the digital operation and maintenance of JEE Technology Group with the advanced platform of Dassault Systèmes to explore the road of digital transformation of equipment manufacturers and empower the new generation of digital intelligent equipment enterprises.”


Dassault Systèmes is a company dedicated to 3DEXPERIENCE, providing virtual worlds for sustainable innovation for business and people. With the world's leading 3D design software, 3D digital solid models and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Dassault Systèmes focuses on the latest solutions for digital construction and transformation in the automotive industry, supporting business development, promoting social innovation and improving the real world through virtual twins.


“Dassault Systèmes is excited to work with such an excellent partner as JEE Technology,” said Mr. Li Zhijun, Vice President of Sales of Dassault Systèmes.” In the future, Dassault Systèmes will fully support the digital transformation of JEE Technology and build an innovation platform for the intelligent equipment industry. This strategic cooperation will not only win a broader development space for both companies, but also contribute to help China's manufacturing industry achieve its long-term high-quality development goals."


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